Exclusive extras features from www.BudSpencerMovie.com

From BudSpencerSite, we are very happy to receive congratulations from www.budspencermovie.com "German website" in Vienna. We introduce one small part of the letter ( email ) ... and followed post the www.budspencermovie.com´s material on our site.
Hey there,
Congrats to your Bud Spencer fansite! Looks great and very ambitious :)
There is just one piece missing - "A man called Spencer" the first documentary about and together with Bud Spencer!
We - Sarah Nörenberg and Karl-Martin Pold, two film students in Vienna - have been working on this project based on Martin's diploma thesis for more than two years.
We are doing it the other way around and made two trailers before the actual movie.(.....................................)
best wishes from Vienna,
Sarah Nörenberg

"Sie nannten ihn Spencer" - First Trailer

Sie nannten ihn Spencer - Trailer 2
Terence Hill Interview 2010 - Sie nannten ihn Spencer