·Killing Is My Business, Darling (Set photos ):
·Bud spencer on date / 30 / 10 / 2007 / started a new mystery comedy film call "Killing is my Business, Darling".
To see the Set photos : click here :·
·Bud Spencer rewards to Terence Hill with "UMBRIAROMA" Award:
·Go to events photos :·.
·Bud Spencer Career Award (2005):
·Bud Spencer received 12 November , 2005 at the Montecarlo Festival an award of his career.
·Charlot Award to Bud (2005):

·Pilot Bud:
·Not only John Travolta can boast of aircraft and pilot title. After making "Watch Out, We're Mad" Bud won the title of airplane and helicopter pilot.He also
has an airline companny.
·Golden Globe to Bud:
·Bud Spencer has been awarded the "Golden Globe" for his latest film
International Festival commedy film in Peñíscola (ESPAÑA) 2004
.Go to event :· .
. Interview :·
. Bud Homenaje :·